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Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Clauses in a Reseller Agreement

1. Definitions
2.  Appointment of Partner
3. Agreement Period
4. Legal Relationship between the Parties
5. Principal Duties, Obligations and Rights
6.  The Partner Duties, Obligations and Rights
7.  Marketing
8. Training
9.  Intellectual Property Rights
10. Sub-licensing
11. License Fees and Payment
12. Maintenance and Support Agreement with End Users
13. Limited Warranty
14. Authority and Liability
15. Assignment of the Agreement
16. Confidentiality
17. Termination
18. Entire Agreement
19. Amendment and Waivers
20. Notices
21. Force Majeure
22. Invalidity and Severability
23. Governing Law
24. Dispute Settlement and Jurisdiction

Legal Aspect of Distributorship Agreement in Indonesia

An appointment of a Distributor by a producer principal or supplier principal shall be based on an agreement. The agreement between the principal and the Distributor of goods and/or services produced abroad shall be legalized by a public notary and a statement letter obtained from the trading attaché of the Republic of Indonesia or officials of a representative office of the Republic of Indonesia in the principal’s country.

A principal may enter into an agreement only with 1 (one) sole distributor for the same type of goods and/or services of a brand in a certain marketing area for a specified period. A sole distributor is a national trading company securing an exclusive right from the principal based on an agreement as the only distributor in Indonesia in a certain marketing area.

Further, a principal may enter into agreements with 1 (one) or more than 1 (one) Distributor for the same type of goods and/or services of a brand in a certain marketing area but outside the marketing area of the sole distributor. In case the principal enters into agreements with more than 1 (one) Distributor, the principal shall stipulate the names of the appointed Distributors. Based on verbal confirmation with an official of the Ministry of Trade, multiple appointments for distributorship can only be conducted by a Distributor; not a sole distributor.

With respect to the distributorship agreement, MT Regulation 11/2006 requires that the following provisions be governed:
a.       Full names and addresses of the parties  entering into the agreement;
b.      Purposes and objectives of the agreement;
c.       Status of the distributorship;
d.      Types of  agreed goods and/or services;
e.       Marketing area;
f.       Rights and obligations of the parties;
g.      Authority;
h.      Period of the agreement;
i.        Methods of termination of the agreement;
j.        Methods of  settlement of disputes;
k.      Governing law; and
l.        Deadline of the settlement.

Further, any agreement that is made in other than the Indonesian language shall be translated into the Indonesian language by a sworn translator.

Article 22 paragraph (1) of MT Regulation 11/2006 stipulates that the agreement can be terminated based on mutual agreement of the parties and in accordance with the prevailing laws. Further, Article 22 paragraph (2) of MT Regulation 11/2006 stipulates that the agreement can be unilaterally terminated by any of the parties, in case  the (i) company is dissolved; (ii)  company  discontinues its business; (iii) distributorship right is transferred; (iv) company goes bankrupt; or (v) agreement is not extended.

With regard to the term of the agreement, MT Regulation 11/2006 is silent on this matter. However, based on our verbal confirmation with an  official of the Ministry of Trade, the term of the agreement may be agreed for more or less  2 (two) years. The term of the agreement will be reflected in the period of the STP. For instance, if the term of the agreement is only for 1 (one) year, then the period of STP shall be adjusted to 1 (one) year. However, if the term of the agreement is more than 2 (two) years, the period of the STP shall be given for only 2 (two) years, and it can be extended.  

In the case that termination as a Distributor is followed by the appointment of a sole distributor by the principal before the period of the STP expires, the sole distributor can be given an STP after a complete resolution has been achieved. If a complete resolution has not yet been achieved within 3 (three) months as from the date of termination of the agreement, while efforts to reach a resolution are still being made, the SPT is declared invalid and the principal can appoint a sole distributor.

Any dispute that arises between the parties in performing the agreement shall be resolved (i) in accordance with the provisions in the agreement; (ii) mutual consensus; (iii) arbitration; and (iv) in court in accordance with the governing laws.

Appointment of Distributors in Indonesia

 Appointment of distributors in Indonesia

Under the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia, the applicable regulations to appoint a distributor is governed under  Minister of Trade Regulation No. 11/M-DAG/PER/3/2006 regarding Provisions and Procedures for the Issuance of Registration Identity of Agents or Distributors of Goods and/or Services (“MT Regulation 11/ 2006”). MT Regulation 11/2006 defines a distributor as being a national trading company acting for and on behalf of the company on the basis of an agreement to purchase, store, and sell as well as to market goods and/or services owned or controlled (“Distributor”).

The appointment of distributors can be done either by (i) a principal (producer principal or  supplier principal based on approval from a producer principal); or (ii) foreign investment companies operating in the trading sector as a distributor or a wholesaler (“Foreign Investment Companies”); or (iii) representative offices of foreign trade companies (“Rep. Offices”).

MT Regulation 11/2006 defines a producer principal as an individual or business entity in the form of a legal entity or non-legal entity, having its status as a producer which appoints other business entities as an agent, a sole agent, a distributor or a sole distributor to sell goods resulting from the principal’s producing goods and/or services owned or controlled. Meanwhile, a supplier principal means an individual or business entity in the form of a legal entity or non-legal entity appointed by a producer principal to appoint another business entity as an agent, a sole agent, a distributor or a sole distributor in accordance with the authority given by the producer principal.

The appointment by a producer principal or supplier principal shall be conducted in the form of an agreement legalized by a public notary and obtaining a statement letter from a trading attaché or officials of representative offices of the Republic of Indonesia in the principals’ countries. Meanwhile, the appointment by Foreign Investment Companies and Rep. Offices shall be conducted in the form of an agreement legalized by a public notary and shall secure written approval from the represented producer principal abroad.

Any Distributor that enters into an agreement with a principal of goods or services produced abroad must be registered at the Ministry of Trade to secure a registration identity letter (Surat Tanda Pendaftaran/STP”). The Distributor that has already secured an STP can appoint sub distributors, and such sub distributors shall be registered as well with the Ministry of Trade to secure STP.

Registration Identity Letter / STP

MT Regulation 11/2006 defines that an STP is evidence that the company has been registered as an agent, sole agent, sub-agent, distributor, sole distributor or sub distributor of goods and/or services which are issued by the Director of Business Development and Corporate Registration of the Ministry of Trade (“Director of BD”).

In obtaining an STP for a Distributor, the appointed Distributor (hereinafter referred to as “applicant”) shall submit an application form (“Application”) to the Director of BD. The Application for registering the Distributor of goods and/or services produced abroad shall include the following documents:[3]
a.       An agreement that has been legalized by a public notary and statement letter from the trading attaché of the Republic of Indonesia or official of a representative office of the Republic of Indonesia in the principal’s country, by showing the original document;
b.      In case  an agreement is entered into with the supplier principal, the supplier principal is obliged to show the authority from the producer principal;
c.       A copy of a Trading Business License;
d.      A copy of a valid Company Registration Number;
e.       A copy of a valid General Importer Identity Number;
f.       A copy of the deed of establishment of the applicant and/or its amendments that have been approved by a relevant authority;
g.      In the case of a limited liability company, a copy of  legalization as a legal entity from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights;
h.      An original of a leaflet or brochure or catalog from the principal for the goods / services;
i.        A copy of a license or other registration identity from any technical institution which is still valid, for certain types of goods in accordance with the prevailing laws;
j.        A copy of a permanent business license or approval from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) if an agreement is entered into with a Foreign Investment Company; and
k.      A copy of the business of a foreign trade representative office, if the agreement is entered into with a Rep. Office.
Hereinafter, the above documents will be referred to as the “Registration Documents”.

The following table will explain the licenses or registration that shall be obtained from the relevant institutions or authorities related to certain types of goods as referred to in point i above.

Licenses /Registration
Arms and goods for the needs of the Indonesian Military / Police
A Certificate of Member of Security and Defense Supplier Association (ASPERDIA HANKAM)
A recommendation from PT Dahana, a State Company
A  Motor Vehicle Type License from the Ministry of Industry
Beauty care apparatuses and medical care apparatuses
A registration identity or license from the Ministry of Health
Medicines and food and beverages
A registration identity or license from the Food and Drug Supervisory Board (BPOM)
Telecommunications apparatuses or devices
Certification and labeling from the Directorate General of Post and Telecommunications
Measuring, weighing instruments and their appliances
A registration Identity from the Directorate of Meteorology at the Ministry of Trade
Lubricant oil
A registration identity / certification from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
A pesticide certificate from the Pesticide Commission or Ministry of Agriculture

The validity period of an STP as a distributor of goods and/or services produced abroad, which is appointed by producer principals is 2 (two) years unless otherwise stipulated as being less than 2 (two) years in an agreement or confirmation.

If the Distributor plans to extend the period of an STP, then the Application shall be submitted to the Directorate of BD by enclosing the Registration Documents along with the following documents:
a.       Confirmation from the principal, already legalized by a public notary or certificate from the trading attaché of the Republic of Indonesia or official of a representative office of the Republic of Indonesia in the principal countries, by showing the original documents;
b.      The applicant’s activity report every 6 (six) months; and
c.       The original of the STP that is being requested to be extended.

The Distributor who holds the STP is obliged to submit its activity report every 6 (six) months to the Director of BD.  If the Distributor is no longer undertaking its business activities  or dissolves its company, then the Distributor shall submit a closure report and return the STP to the Director of BD. Further, if there is a change to the name of the principal, status of appointment of distributorship, brand, marketing area, type of goods, and address of the company, then the person in charge of the company is obliged to report the change to the Director of BD.

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Power Plant Operation & Maintenance Agreement

Dalam O&M agreement, umumnya pemilik fasilitas pembangkit listrik disebut sebagai “Pemilik” dan penyedia jasa O&M akan disebut sebagai “Kontraktor” serta untuk fasilitas pembangkit listriknya disebut sebagai “Fasilitas”.

Penyedia Jasa O&M

Umumnya Pemilik akan menggunakan jasa O&M dari Kontraktor yang mendedikasikan bidang usahanya khusus untuk melakukan O&M (“Dedicated Company”). Badan usaha yang mengalami kegagalan menjalankan diversifikasi dapat menyebabkan pengurangan anggaran dan pengeluarannya untuk pelaksanaan O&M sehingga akan mempengaruhi performance-nya sebagai Kontraktor.

Ruang Lingkup O&M
Untuk tujuan tertentu, misalnya pajak yang dikenakan terhadap Kontraktor, jasa operasi dan pemeliharaan yang diberikan oleh satu Kontraktor yang sama dapat dipisah ke dalam 2 (dua) perjanjian, yaitu onshore O&M agreement dan offshore O&M agreement. Umumnya jasa yang diberikan dalam onshore O&M agreement mencakup seluruh jasa operasi dan pemeliharaan yang disediakan di dalam wilayah Negara tempat fasilitas pembangkit listrik tersebut berada. 

Tanggungjawab Pemilik

Pemilik wajib bertanggungjawab untuk hal-hal tertentu yang secara prinsip terbagi 2 (dua) yaitu (i) sebelum serah terima Fasilitas ke Kontraktor dan (ii) selama berlangsungnya O&M itu sendiri.

Sebelum menyerahkan Fasilitas kepada Kontraktor, Pemilik wajib telah mengikutsertakan Satuan Pekerja Fasilitas ke dalam pelatihan yang mungkin diadakan sebagai bagian dari Perjanjian Konstruksi. Umumnya berdasarkan perjanjian konstruksi, Pemilik berhak mendapatkan sesi pelatihan yang diadakan oleh kontraktor yang melaksanakan pekerjaan konstruksi Fasilitas, setelah pekerjaan konstruksi selesai.

Pekerjaan O&M agreement dilaksanakan setelah pekerjaan konstruksi selesai dan diserahterimakan ke Pemilik. Umumnya dalam serah terima, Pemilik akan diberikan sejumlah dokumen konstruksi, seperti gambar atau peta perlengkapan listrik dalam Fasilitas secara rinci dan dokumen yang merinci mengenai spesifikasi (model) serta jadwal service/perawatan masing-masing alat atau perlengkapan listrik dalam Fasilitas. Dokumen-dokumen tersebut biasanya disyaratkan sebagai dokumen yang diperlihatkan kepada Kontraktor sebagai dasar perhitungan, penjadwalan dan pelaksanaan O&M atas Fasilitas Pemilik.

Pada tanggal diserahkannya Fasilitas kepada penguasaan Kontraktor, Pemilik harus menyediakan Fasilitas yang telah dirancang dan harus dapat dioperasikan sesuai dengan kebijakan Kontraktor, prosedur, rekomendasi, kewajiban, dan jaminan yang diberikan oleh Pemilik kepada Kontraktor berdasarkan O&M agreement.

Perwakilan Pemilik

Pemilik harus menunjuk satu atau lebih individu sebagai ”Perwakilan Pemilik”. Perwakilan Pemilik bertugas antara lain untuk (i) melakukan konsultasi dan kordinasi dengan personil Kontraktor sehubungan dengan Ruang Lingkup Kerja Kontraktor; (ii) dapat dihubungi setiap waktu demi kelancaran kinerja Kontraktor; dan (iii) berwenang untuk membuat komitmen atas nama Pemilik.

Jangka Waktu
Perjanjian ini akan berlaku efektif sejak Tanggal Efektif Kontrak dan akan berakhir, kecuali diakhiri lebih awal berdasarkan ketentuan dalam Perjanjian ini, hingga tercapainya jam operasi / tahun yang disepakati.


Pemilik harus melakukan semua pembayaran tanpa pemotongan atau sett-off dan, umumnya semua pembayaran belum termasuk pajak. Komponen biaya terbagi dalam biaya Mobilisasi, pembayaran bulanan (biaya tetap dan variabel).

Pemilik umumnya diwajibkan untuk membuka atau memperbaharui, menambah dan memelihara SBLC.


Pemilik umumnya diwajibkan untuk menyediakan dan menjaga, selama jangka waktu O&M agreement, asuransi yang mencakup sebagai berikut: Asuransi dan kompensasi untuk tenaga kerjanya; Asuransi pertanggungjawaban umum komersial, dengan nilai mencakup setidaknya sama dengan nilai kontrak O&M agreement“semua risiko” asuransi properti, asuransi kerusakan mesin (machinary breakdown), termasuk risiko berupa gangguan bisnis (business interuption). Pertanggungjawaban untuk perbaikan lingkungan dan asuransi untuk pertanggungan biaya pembersihan apabila terjadi pencemaran

Ketentuan asuransi yang diwajibkan kepada Pemilik, biasanaya juga akan dikenakan kepada Kontraktor, kecuali pertanggungjawaban untuk perbaikan lingkungan. 

Jaminan Kontraktor

Umumnya Kontraktor akan memberikan jaminan kepada Pemilik bahwa suku cadang yang dikirimkan berdasarkan ketentuan dalam Perjanjian ini bebas dari cacat dalam bahan, pengerjaan dan hak. Jaminan atas jasa yang diberikan akan berlaku selama 1 (satu) tahun dari pelaksanaan dari jasa dimaksud. 

Pembatasan terhadap Tanggung Jawab
Kecuali untuk Pekerjaan Tambahan, total kewajiban dari kontraktor, untuk seluruh klaim yang timbul selama tahun kalender, baik di dalam kontrak, jaminan, ganti kerugian, perbuatan melawan hukum / tanggung jawab diluar kontrak (termasuk kelalaian), tanggung jawab mutlak, atau sebaliknya, yang timbul dari pelaksanaan atau pelanggaran atas perjanjian ini atau penggunaan atas  suku cadang manapun atau penyediaan jasa manapun, akan dibatasi / jumlahnya akan disepakati bersama.

Kesehatan, Keselamatan, dan Keamanan

Kontraktor wajib menerapkan prosedur keselamatan Satuan Pekerja Fasilitas terhadap perlengkapan listrik (listrik, mekanik, dan hidrolik) menggunakan proses penguncian, larangan masuk ruangan, dan komunikasi mengenai bahaya. 

Pemilik wajib menyediakan perlengkapan keamanan yang diperlukan, fasilitas dan tindakan-tindakan yang cukup untuk melindungi pegawai Kontraktor terhadap potensi ancaman terhadap keamanannya.

Bahan-bahan Berbahaya dan Limbah
Penanganan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya.  Umumnya Pemilik harus bertanggung jawab atas pembuangan Bahan-bahan Berbahaya yang dihasilkan dari Fasilitas. 

Ganti Kerugian
Umumnya Kontraktor akan mengganti rugi dan tidak akan menyebabkan Pemilik mengalami kerugian atau pengeluaran yang dikarenakan kerusakan fisik property dari pihak ketiga atau kecelakaan termasuk kematian, dimana kerusakan atau kecelakaan tersebut diakibatkan secara langsung dari kelalaian Kontraktor (atau Subkontraktornya). Pemilik pun dikenakan kewajiban yang sama apabila kerugian atau pengeluaran tersebut merupakan akibat langsung dari kelalaian Pemilik.

Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Contoh Draft Shareholders Agreement


THIS SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made as of [___].
1.                  PT [_____], a limited liability company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, having its place of business at [___] (“PT X”).
2.                  PT [_____], a limited liability company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, having its place of business at [___] (“PT Y”).
3.                  PT [_____], a limited liability company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, having its place of business at [___] (“PT Z”).
PT X, PT Y and PT Z are collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and each one of them as a “Party”.
A.                WHEREAS, the Company (as defined below) is engage in [_____].
B.                 WHEREAS, the Shareholders (as defined below) wish to enter into this Agreement to document their understanding and agreements regarding among others the governance of the Company and to regulate the relationship among themselves.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and premises, the Parties hereto agree to enter into this Agreement to document their agreements as stipulated in the above recital pursuant to the following terms and conditions:
1.                  Definitions and Interpretations
The following capitalized terms when used in this Agreement shall have the meanings ascribed next to them as set forth below:
Affiliate” means, with respect to any Person, any other Person that, directly or indirectly, controls or is controlled by or is under common control with such Person.  Control means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. 
Agreement” means this Shareholders Agreement, including any schedules, appendices or attachments thereto, as may be amended, supplemented or replaced by the Parties hereto from time to time.
Articles of Association” means the draft articles of association of the Company as attached hereto as Schedule 1, as applicable. 
Board of Commissioners” means the board of commissioners of the Company.
Board of Directors” means the board of directors of the Company.
Business” has the meaning set forth in Clause [___].
Business Day” means any day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or a day on which banks are authorized or required to close in Jakarta. 

[and so on...]

2.                  Formation
2.1.            Formation:  The Company is incorporated as a limited liability company under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.  The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the ownership and operation by the Shareholders of the Company and the Group Companies in the form of a joint venture company within the framework of Indonesian laws.  The domicile of the Company shall be in Jakarta, Indonesia.  Subject to the approval of its Board of Directors, the Company may establish branches or representative offices elsewhere in or out of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.  The Company shall continue to exist for an unlimited period in accordance with its Articles of Association.  In the event of a conflict between any provision of this Agreement and any non-mandatory provision of any applicable law, the provisions of this Agreement shall control and take precedence, and the Parties agree to amend, as necessary, the Company’s Articles of Association in a manner consistent with, and to give effect to, the provisions of this Agreement.  The Company’s Articles of Association are attached hereto as Schedule 1.
2.2.            Purpose:  “Business means [_____] in Indonesia.
2.3.            Effective Date:  This Agreement shall become effective on the date hereof (the “Effective Date”).

3.                  Share Capital
3.1.            CapitalizationThe authorized share capital of the Company as of the date of this Agreement consists of [___] shares, with a nominal value per share of Rp [___] for a total authorized share capital of Rp [___].  As soon as practicable after the date hereof, the Shareholders shall increase the authorized share capital of the Company to [____] shares, with a nominal value per share of Rp [___] for a total authorized share capital of Rp [____].
3.2.            Subscription
a.                   The initial issued and paid up share capital of the Company as of the date of this Agreement consists of [___] shares, with a nominal value per share of Rp [___] for a total issued and paid up share capital of Rp [___].  The shareholding composition of the Company as of the date hereof is as follows:

Nominal Value
(in Rp)



dan seterusnya...

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Contoh Perjanjian Jual Beli Batubara



PT _____


PT ______


Pada hari ini ______, tanggal [_____] (“Tanggal Efektif”), di Jakarta, dibuat  Perjanjian Jual  Beli  Batubara (“Perjanjian”) oleh dan antara:

PT ______, suatu perseroan terbatas yang didirikan menurut hukum Republik Indonesia, beralamat di ___________, yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh___________, sebagai Direktur Utama PT ______ oleh karena itu bertindak untuk dan atas nama PT _______, selanjutnya disebut sebagai (”PIHAK PERTAMA”).

PT _______ , suatu perseroan terbatas yang didirikan menurut hukum Republik Indonesia, yang beralamat di ________, yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh _______, sebagai Presiden Direktur PT___________ oleh karena itu bertindak untuk dan atas nama PT ________, selanjutnya disebut sebagai (”PIHAK KEDUA”).

PIHAK PERTAMA dan PIHAK KEDUA dalam Perjanjian ini selanjutnya secara sendiri-sendiri disebut sebagai ”PIHAK” dan secara bersama-sama disebut sebagai ”PARA PIHAK”.



Lokasi Tambang
Harga Batubara

Titik Penyerahan


BAST Batubara


PIHAK PERTAMA  setuju untuk menjual kepada PIHAK KEDUA dan PIHAK KEDUA setuju untuk membeli dari PIHAK PERTAMA, batubara dengan spesifikasi dan kualitas, jumlah, jadwal, dan Titik Penyerahan batubara sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 4 dan Pasal 5 Perjanjian ini.


1.     Sumber penyediaan batubara yang akan diserahkan oleh PIHAK PERTAMA kepada PIHAK KEDUA dalam Perjanjian ini berasal dari Lokasi Tambang.

2.     PIHAK PERTAMA menjamin bahwa batubara yang dijual kepada PIHAK KEDUA adalah batubara yang berasal dari kegiatan yang sah dan tidak melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, khususnya ketentuan mengenai kewajiban pemenuhan kebutuhan dalam negeri, serta tidak dibebankan atas suatu sitaan atau ditanggungkan untuk suatu piutang atau dibebani dengan tanggungan apapun kepada pihak lain.

3.       PIHAK PERTAMA bertanggung jawab penuh atas segala royalti/iuran/retribusi atas batubara yang akan dijual kepada PIHAK KEDUA dan juga perijinan dalam rangka memperoleh dan menjual batubara tersebut.

4.  PIHAK PERTAMA memberikan ijin kepada PIHAK KEDUA untuk sewaktu-waktu memeriksa kegiatan/pekerjaan pemuatan batubara di Lokasi Tambang.

5.    PIHAK PERTAMA wajib memberikan dokumen-dokumen yang dibutuhkan oleh PIHAK KEDUA dalam pembelian batubara dari PIHAK PERTAMA berupa, namun tidak terbatas pada, Surat Kirim, SKAB dari Dinas setempat.


Spesifikasi dan kualitas batubara yang dimaksud dalam perjanjian ini adalah spesifikasi aktual dari produksi batubara (non crusher) yang akan dijual oleh PIHAK PERTAMA dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut:

Total Moisture (“TM”)

Inherent Moisture

Ash Content

Volatile Matter

Fixed Carbon

Total Sulphur (“TS”)

Gross Calorific Value

Hardgrove Grindability Index (“HGI”)


1.       PIHAK PERTAMA berkomitmen untuk menjual batubara kepada PIHAK KEDUA dalam jumlah yang tidak kurang dari  ____MTon (_____ metrik ton ) batubara untuk setiap transaksi penjualan.

2.       Pemuatan dan pengangkutan batubara milik PIHAK PERTAMA dilakukan selambat-lambatnya 1 (satu) hari sesudah PIHAK KEDUA memberikan perintah pembelian (Purchase Order/PO) kepada PIHAK PERTAMA dan PIHAK KEDUA telah melakukan pembayaran sesuai dengan ketentuan sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 9 (1) a dan b  Perjanjian ini.

3.       Batubara yang telah dibeli, dimuat ke atas truk milik PIHAK PERTAMA di Stockpile Tambang ___, Propinsi ______ oleh PIHAK PERTAMA  dan diangkut menuju ke Titik Penyerahan.

4.       PIHAK PERTAMA wajib mengangkut batubara yang dipesan oleh PIHAK KEDUA dengan mengutamakan prinsip kehati-hatian dan memperhatikan keefektifitasan dari segi waktu dan biaya.

5.       PIHAK PERTAMA wajib menyerahkan batubara yang telah dibeli oleh PIHAK KEDUA di Titik Penyerahan.

6.       PIHAK PERTAMA wajib bertanggung jawab terhadap kegiatan crushing dan penggunaan jasa pengelola pelabuhan di Titik Penyerahan. Segala biaya yang timbul sehubungan dengan kegiatan crushing dan penggunaan jasa pengelola pelabuhan di Titik Penyerahan, selain yang diatur dalam terminologi FOB pelabuhan Titik Penyerahan, maka wajib ditanggung oleh PIHAK PERTAMA dengan mendapatkan penggantian dari PIHAK KEDUA setelah PIHAK PERTAMA mengirimkan Invoicenya kepada PIHAK KEDUA.

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