Cari Blog Ini

Sabtu, 28 September 2013

classification of INDONESIA OIL AND GAS supporting businesses
Oil and gas supporting businesses (“Supporting Business”) are regulated in Minister of EMR’s Regulation No. 27 of 2008 on Oil and Gas Supporting Business Activities (“Ministerial Regulation 27 of 2008”). A Supporting Business can be conducted by (i) companies, including national companies, domestic or transnational/multinational or (ii) individuals, commanditaire vennootschaps, firms and individuals with skills to provide non-construction consultation services in oil and gas.
Based on Ministerial Regulation 27 of 2008, Supporting Businesses are classified as follows:
Supporting Services Businesses
Construction services in oil and gas
Construction planning services including design engineering
Construction services including Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC), installation and commissioning
Construction supervision services
Non-Construction services in oil and gas
Seismic surveys
Non-seismic surveys
Geology and geophysics
Rig drilling operations
Underwater work
Explosives, radio active material, and hazardous material management
Onshore/offshore logistics base
Operation and maintenance
Technical inspections
Technical testing
Post-operation works (decommissioning)
Research and development
Education and training
Drilling and production waste management
Other services
Supporting Industrial Services
Material industry
Equipment industry
Oil and gas utilizing industry

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